the girl who
"I don't want to live without the sparklers, the brightness. Without that feeling of lying flat on the ground, pressed down with barely any blood or breathing and barely even any bones. What good is living without that? Only TV and TV and TV." -- 'The Fairy Tale Museum', Susannah M. Smith
[it's getting literally harder and harder to write these things as my situation continues; maybe I'm just getting older & more disappointed in myself and thus not feeling it. we're supposed to love writing about ourselves though, aren't we? i keep forgetting how to convince everyone I'm still human.]
it astonishes me when I sit back and realise that something or someone that was the whole world to me didn't even feature in someone else's life. not from malice or ignorance, just from the fact that we are all eight point one little galaxies whirling around and colliding with each other, but never wholly or completely.
kirryn lia. older than you, probably, but younger than some. bne qld au. 2nd gen australian. selkie queen of bramble bay. taoist witch. poet. writer. singer. single but in love. speaks english, japanese, welsh, and quenya. scholar interrupted.
I am one node in the noösphere; an island in the Wired. I am a whole mikrocosmos and nothing at all, at the same time.
I live and breathe music, and I have better relationships with fictional people than real ones. I love winter, coffee, and city light nights that spin out of control into fever dreams. I used to dream in the highrise glow of my own happily ever after, but then the world ended, and I don't know where or what or who I am now. My nerves are literally fraying and I'm tired all the time. I want to believe that it will get better. I don't know if I can, but I know I want to.
I can't do pretty. Or elegant, or beautiful, or cute. I can't do nymph-like and fae and hipster and chic. I'm not a girl in a tree in a tulle skirt. I'm just me. All I can do is this. I know it's not enough.
neverending forever baby
Love one another, man, and remember: if there's a bustle in your hedgerow, it's just a spring clean for the May Queen.
@ / skybluepink